Monday, January 31, 2005

Why don't Liberals sincerely cheer for the Iraqi people?

When you think about the recent statements made about Iraq or about the Bush administration by Senators Ted Kennedy , JF Kerry. or Barbara Boxer or the foolhardy pronouncements of Michael Moore concerning the legitimacy of the "insurgents" (being compared to the Minutemen of our Revolutionary War period), you can only shake your head and think, "What is wrong with these people?", "What happened to integrity, to honesty, to love of justice and freedom (and I don't mean the platitudes thrown about in order to rationalize idiocy)?" Why aren't they unabashedly cheering on the Iraqi people?

I used to really like most of the Democrats; in fact, if I had to make a choice politically, the Democrats were always the "lesser of two evils", compared with those selfish, righteous, racist, religious nuts of the Republican party. The true goodness I sought was usually not represented or to be found in this world and, if it was, I still would not vote for that person or party as it would just ensure that the evil Republicans would win out. And that would be the worse thing ever. My thinking was something like this: Better sacrifice the unrealizable promise of heaven just to hold the gates of Hell closed a little bit longer -- and perhaps, over time, these Hell gates will be locked shut hard enough to let heaven on Earth shine forth.

Now, after three post-9/11 years and countless reassessments of my values, my life, my core beliefs I have evolved into a true Conservative: I slowly realized that while Liberalism sounds on the surface so great, so high minded and lovely, its implementation usually brings the very opposite results than those sought. While Peace sounds like a great goal -- and it is -- if pacifism is the method promoted to achieve it without considering the nature of your adversary, it usually leads to tyranny, massive suffering and death. Using brutishness in the name of justice does not make one a brute; it makes one a reluctant but realistic warrior. Not fighting Evil with all the tools available is Evil -- unless the end result is by far worse than that which the Evil doers want. To my way of thinking True, Primordial Evil is the creation of suffering for the sheer pleasure of its creation -- Evil people love to see others suffer; they get a deep pleasure out of it. (Taliban society was a fully fleshed-out manifestation of this. Having everyone suffering for Allah was their ultimate goal.) Secondary Evil is turning a blind eye to this True Primordial Evil. While Good people might fight Evil with massive violence and even enjoy the beating of their foe, they do so only reluctanctly. They want it over as quickly as possible. They don't truly enjoy the fight. They want to end suffering truly and as quickly as possible.

The Democrats and Liberals today, on balance, seem to hate George Bush more than people who saw off other people's heads or use disabled people to blow themselves up in a group of innocents. Unbelievable -- but true! They just don't care that their words may help the truly Evil ;as long as it is their right, it is okay. But just because you have the right or freedom to do something doesn't mean you should. One must ask if one should do something or say something, whether it serves the Good or the Evil. When you have to make excuses to support that which you know in your heart is helping Evil, you are succumbing to that Evil even if you clothe your behavior in words that sound like the Good. Unfortunately, the Liberals of today have become the handmaidens of the True Evil we fight. How else to explain their reluctance to celebrate the Iraqi people's voting victory?

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