Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Been out sick with the Flu

Well, I finally have the energy to start writing again. I came down with the flu and just got floored. Oh well, life's little challenges.

Although I have been out of the loop for the past week, I have been able to follow the Condi Rice hearings somewhat and if anyone can feel good being a Demoncrat after seeing how this pioneering and brilliant woman has been treated with such scorn by the likes of Kennedy and Boxer -- and that joke, run-away-from-DC-Dayton -- is beyond me. I guess any bad behavior would be approved simply because one is angry at a Republican. Just disgraceful. No other description for it. At, they 'predicted' that Boxer was going into fundraising mode and they were on the mark. More at Drudge.

Could you imagine what would happen to the Republicans if they did this to a black, female Democrat? The press would have material for months.

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