Monday, October 18, 2004

Why I Support George W. Bush and not John F Kerry

Before I begin my brief discussion of why I choose George Bush overJohn Kerry, let me just say that 4 years ago I simply and unequivocally loathed George W. Bush and, if asked, I would have given a positive assessment ofJohn Kerry. But this has been a momentous 4 years as we all know. As others have stated so eloquently elsewhere (for example, see ), 9/11 was a watershed experience in my life and since that day I have experienced a slow but steady metamorphosis from a deeply held liberal attitude to the conservative political viewpoint I have today.

I know that one can create a large list of issues where the two presidential candidates differ and I let others articulate them but, for me, my preference for George W. Bush comes down to one basic reason: he gets what true evil is and what must be done to prevent its rise to power and success in the world. And wedded to this clear view of evil is a character built upon action, resolve, and steadfastness in the midst of extreme political opposition. This is a truly great man. And the history of his administration after 9/11 reflects this energetic action to destroy Islamo-fascism at its physical support structure before it has a chance to become an unstoppable nightmare. I completely agree with his doctrine of pre-emption, and not waiting for the danger to become to impossible to contain or stop. It is immoral to be a sitting duck and not protect your loved ones and way of life. George Bush has shown the conviction, the courage, and a grand vision of the power of democracy and freedom, you don't see very often in a politician. It is so sad to that he has been so villified by his enemies.

For John Kerry it appears that the war on terror is all just a political game to him with not one iota of genuine conviction about absolute self-defense. Remember, he claims 9/11 hardly changed him. Only someone deeply alienated from reality could claim this. He wants to live in the world of an imagined international utopia where we all look out for the benefit of the world community and where national and personal self-interest are not the actual facts on the ground. The Oil-for-Food program totally invalidates his foreign policy stance. His is an unreal fantasy of self-defense: work with the international community at all costs to avoid the inevitable confrontation. I don't get that John Kerry understands evil and I would proffer the assertion that John Kerry and the actions he took post Vietnam come awfully close to the realm of evil: he knew that many of the Winter Soldier conference participants were full of BS and yet he would support them over his own 'band of brothers' still serving in Vietnam and held in North Vietnamese prisons. The fact that he would not see how his actions could give aid and comfort to the enemy displays a vast character flaw. For all his high intellect, he is morally bankrupt. Even today, he still refuses to apologize to his fellow veterans. John Kerry doesn't have the character for the job. Just the way he has run his campaign from its inception with all of its calculation, flip-flopping, and over-nuanced explanations of contradictory stances demonstrate that he will do or say anything, endanger and mislead anyone and everyone just to get elected and this lack of character invalidates, in my mind, any other quality someone might deem positive in him. It has been said before: John Kerry is not fit for command; George W. Bush most definitely is the man for the job. Four more years!

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